Free Events Create Engagement With Leads, Use Them!

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Putting together free events in your industry is always a great way to network and create engagement within your industry. Marketing and registering people for these events can in themselves be lead generating tools. Providing value at a free event gives your leads or business prospects incentive to engage with your company and/or services.

Don’t Be Greedy, Make Sure It’s Always Free

Getting someone to purchase a ticket to an event is a whole other industry then what you are in. That requires a whole other set of skills, experience and capital. The goal of doing these events are to engage as many people as possible in a positive way, not ask them for money upfront. So, put on a great free event and get people in your industry involved and good will come out of it. Maybe provide some lunch, snacks or drinks. Make it enticing for people to get involved and they will come if you market it,

Partnering With An Event Company

Partnering with a company to help execute your event can be a good idea if you don’t have experience in events. Companies like Real Estate LIVE Events create free events for Real Estate Agents, Mortgage Loan Officers, Title Companies and more. Real Estate LIVE puts on its own events every month and can also help you put together and power your own business event. Check Out The Video Below Of Real Estate LIVE Events’ Guest Speakers, Nicholas Hiersche.

As the CEO of a multimillion-dollar company he founded at 15 years old, Kyle Hiersche had an early start as an entrepreneur. By age 27, he managed to purchase commercial and residential investment properties and a nightclub in Miami Beach. As the owner of six companies, Kyle has a plethora of experience as an entrepreneur to share with the world. Today at the age of 31, Kyle remains an Entrepreneur as well as an author, licensed Realtor, real estate investor, and digital marketing expert.

About Follow The Lead

We are an Ad Agency that helps our clients do one thing, generate new leads for their business.

We offer lead generation programs to help small to medium businesses generate new leads and customers for sales. We generate leads for Real Estate, Mortgage, Law Firms, Contractors, Home Services, Events, Software/Apps and more.


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Follow The Lead by Nick Hiersche & Kyle Hiersche

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