Chapter 7: Advanced Facebook Ads
Beyond using simple lead ad forms, Facebook has many options for us to target customers on Facebook and Instagram. Some of the most effective ads are the simplest ones. Often basic “memes” beat out professionally designed flyers when it comes to engagement. Facebook is a great tool because it allows us to load in our own pictures and text to try out different ads and see what works best.
Recently, Facebook rolled out a key feature that changed how Facebook Ads are done forever. Now with the Dynamic Ads feature, we can upload multiple images and multiple copies of texts and Facebook creates every possible combination of them. This generates hundreds of different ads by just uploading a few images and copy.
Once those ads are created, Facebook will serve them and track which ones work, automatically selecting the ones that get better results. This Dynamic Ads feature saves hundreds of hours by creating all possible ad combinations and learning to use the ones that work the best.
As a quick tip and best practice recommendation, we want to make sure we have the rights to the pictures we use. People do get sued over using images without permission on Facebook/Instagram ads and even posts for that matter. There are places to get licensed images from such as Canva.com and Shutterstock.com
When setting up any advertising campaign, we want to make sure we have the tools in place to track the effectiveness and results of the campaign. Since we are setting up a Facebook campaign, we need to track our results using the Facebook Pixel in the next chapter.
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Hire Follow The Lead Agency For Your Digital Marketing
Follow The Lead is a Book by Nick & Kyle Hiersche focused on generating leads, sales funnels and Facebook/Google Ads. With over 12 years of experience, Nick Hiersche from Follow The Lead Agency has spent over $2 Million on ads and is certified by Facebook as a Media Planning Professional and Digital Marketing Associate. He is also certified by Google as a Google Ads Search Specialist. This book combines Nick and Kyle’s experience in advertising to give helpful tips to anyone from beginners to experts looking to improve their results.
As the CEO of a multimillion-dollar company he founded at 15 years old, Kyle Hiersche had an early start as an entrepreneur. By age 27, he managed to purchase commercial and residential investment properties and a nightclub in Miami Beach. As the owner of six companies, Kyle has a plethora of experience as an entrepreneur to share with the world. Today at the age of 31, Kyle remains an Entrepreneur as well as an author, licensed Realtor, real estate investor, and digital marketing expert.
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About Follow The Lead
We are an Ad Agency that helps our clients do one thing, generate new leads for their business.
We offer lead generation programs to help small to medium businesses generate new leads and customers for sales. We generate leads for Real Estate, Mortgage, Law Firms, Contractors, Home Services, Events, Software/Apps and more.
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Follow The Lead by Nick Hiersche & Kyle Hiersche