Follow The Lead E-Book Chapter 2: A Lead Is Forever

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Chapter 2: A Lead Is Forever

No lead should be taken for granted. Each lead must be nurtured until the time is right for them to convert into a customer. We paid for these leads with our own money and efforts, each one has value. Leads are never thrown away or wasted. A lead is forever. Years after a lead is generated, we should still be following up with them through automated campaigns. 

When the time comes that our company’s products or services are needed, we will be on the top of that customer’s mind due to our persistence. Persistence created by automating a process and letting it work for us.

The power of the lead is not just driving more sales up front. Another power of the lead is that it remains an asset to our company as a future potential customer, whether we convert them right away or not. Circumstances change, things happen, some people may need to be followed up with at a later date. Some people may just see our consistency as professional and give us their businesses because of that. 

There are many ways that we can remarket, convert and create revenue from leads at later dates. The key is that we need to go out and get the leads first! Once we have them, we must put them through an automated process. The funnel must come before the lead. Before we start advertising, we must build the lead funnel to put them in first. So, in the next chapter let’s talk about this funnel that we will be putting the leads through…

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Hire Follow The Lead Agency For Your Digital Marketing

Follow The Lead is a Book by Nick & Kyle Hiersche focused on generating leads, sales funnels and Facebook/Google Ads. With over 12 years of experience, Nick Hiersche from Follow The Lead Agency has spent over $2 Million on ads and is crtified by Facebook as a Media Planning Professional and Digital Marketing Associate. He is also certified by Google as a Google Ads Search Specialist. This book combines Nick and Kyle’s experience in advertising to give helpful tips to anyone from beginners to experts looking to improve their results.

As the CEO of a multimillion-dollar company he founded at 15 years old, Kyle Hiersche had an early start as an entrepreneur. By age 27, he managed to purchase commercial and residential investment properties and a nightclub in Miami Beach. As the owner of six companies, Kyle has a plethora of experience as an entrepreneur to share with the world. Today at the age of 31, Kyle remains an Entrepreneur as well as an author, licensed Realtor, real estate investor, and digital marketing expert.

About Follow The Lead

We are an Ad Agency that helps our clients do one thing, generate new leads for their business.

We offer lead generation programs to help small to medium businesses generate new leads and customers for sales. We generate leads for Real Estate, Mortgage, Law Firms, Contractors, Home Services, Events, Software/Apps and more.


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Follow The Lead by Nick Hiersche & Kyle Hiersche

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